Industrial Gasket Exporter & Manufacturer | Goodrich Gasket - Iran

Helping Industries to Evolve and Succeed with Gaskets

Goodrich Gaskets is a leading manufacturer and supplier of comprehensive sealing gaskets. We are the proud enabler of different gasket types, utilized in oil, gas, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food processing, refining, steel, mining power plants, marine, and automotive industries.
Founded in 1987, we are a team of skilled professionals with hi-tech machinery to streamline safer and efficient industrial operations around the world. Adapting to the future technologies and essential demands we have led over 30+ successive years in meeting the end-to-end needs and challenges of our customers and with an active presence in the international market.
Our extensive sealing gaskets are manufactured following the global standards and quality tested materials, to increase the capabilities of the gasket application for both crucial as well as normal applications. GGPL dedicatedly focuses on assisting customers as required, right from helping them choose the ideal gasket, installation to handling with our instant technical support services.
Our team is continuously developing next-generation gaskets and products for over 50+ countries ensuring a sustainable performance customized to unparalleled gasket solutions. We have a proactive approach to solve our customer's problems delivering them flexibility with cutting-edge gasket innovation for seamless industrial operations.